Georgetown is located at the northern edge of South America, located on the Demerara River and near the Essequibo River. Georgetown has minimal tourism infrastructure beyond taxis, a few travel agencies with group tours (flying or bus) only to some of the waterfalls and eco tours to the interior, and a few hotels. Also, as there is no public transit system, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of vans that serve as buses that operate on routes throughout the Georgetown area.
The currency exchange rate is GY$208 to US$1.
Highlights in downtown Georgetown include the many wooden, historic buildings, i.e., St George Cathedral (world’s largest wooden structure), Stabroek Market, City Hall, Justice Hall as well as the modern Capital Building. All within a few blocks of most of the hotels. All of these buildings can be experienced easily within and hour or hour and a half walking. The downtown area is approximately five blocks by seven blocks.
Stabroek Market serves as the "shopping mall" for Georgetown as there are no stores similiar to American or European supermarkets. There are a sea of stalls which sell fresh produce, fish, meat, and the essentials for daily life as well as some tourist t-shirts and caps. Stalls also sell read-to-east food stuffs, to include fresh coconuts opened on site.

Other highlights in Georgetown include the Seawall and Beach, to the north side of the town, which protects the below-sea level town from flooding. There is a narrow beach but the water is very muddy. Near the Seawall is the Umana Yana National Trust Amerindan Museum.
Although not a tourist destination, one of the longest pontoon brides in the world is on the southside of Georgetown, approximately three miles south of the downtown area. It is 6,074 feet long and was completed in 1978.

Numerous horse-drawn carts  are used to deliver lumber and building products around Georgetown.

World class cell phones operate in Georgetown, the airport and surrounding areas.
Rain can be frequent and the air is usually hot and humid.

Arrivial  at CBJ International Airport

Walkway to Immigration  at CBJ  Int'l  Airport

Le Meridien Pegasus Hotel

Bank Of Guyana

   Georgetown Magistrate Courts

St. Georges Cathedral

Interior of St. Georges Cathedral

Stabroek Market

The Umana Yana

City Hall  Georgetown

Horse-drawn Carts delivering lumber to sawmills

Guyanese boy selling at Stabroek Market

Demarara  Harbour Bridge

Downtown Georgetown

Parika Speedboat Service

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